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This Book Made Me Physically Turn Away At Times, Yet I Couldn't Wait to Return


It feels wrong to say I loved this book, given the subject matter, but it’s one of those reads that will stay with you for a very long time.

I think we all know the plot by now but I’ll run through it: Vanessa Wye is fifteen when her 42-year-old English teacher, Jacob Strane, makes a pass at her. Mixed with feelings of confusion and guilt, Vanessa’s judgement is clouded by the exciting concept of an affair with an older guy. At the age of 32, she is still involved with Strane but things are changing, more women are coming forward with allegations.

Thanks to you lovely followers, I was told countless times that this would be a tough read. You all prepared me to ‘get some comfort snacks’ and ‘take it bit by bit’ and I can’t argue against any of that advice. Russell has written a masterpiece, but it is dark and uncomfortable and literally criminal.

That doesn’t detract from the writing at all. Strane is an unbelievably convincing villain in the most bizarre ways; his gaslighting and manipulation is obvious to the reader yet slight to Vanessa. He isn’t a typical charmer. He’s stubborn and cold, and this is what urges you to keep reading, to attempt to understand the power he has over this girl.

What I found most interesting about the narrative is the way Vanessa’s rose-tinted view of the man slowly becomes black and white.

For those who have read this, I’d argue that the final fifty or so pages weren’t necessary. I just wasn’t really interested in the relationship between Vanessa and Henry. I understand this helped to explore Vanessa’s compulsion towards the issue, but it felt like a whole other chapter of her life in itself.

Nevertheless, this book made me physically turn away from the pages at times, yet I couldn’t wait to return. I don’t know how Russell put herself through it, but the result is a highly compelling read.

- Katie S x



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